Experts estimate that 93 million Americans are at risk for serious vision problems. Many of these vision problems are preventable. For example, people can solve eye problems caused by diabetes with the right types of nutrition.
So certain nutrients should improve your vision. You can take certain health supplement types to get these nutrients. But which supplements are vision supplements?
That is what this article will teach you. It will act as a vision supplement guide. Read on to learn about the best supplements for vision improvement.
Tips for Finding a Health Supplement
Keep in mind that the FDA doesn't treat supplements like medications. Manufacturers don't have to prove that their supplements are safe and effective. Supplement manufacturers must maintain certain standards, but that's all.
So before you take a supplement, you must be certain that you're buying the best health supplement possible. To do that, try following these supplement tips.
Check With Your Doctor
It's best to ask your doctor if you can take certain supplements. Certain supplements can cause health conditions in certain people and worsen existing health conditions. They may also mix poorly with certain medications.
Most people shouldn't have bad reactions to health supplements. But there's no point in risking everything. Your doctor is there to keep you healthy, so you may as well put them to use.
Don't Eat Supplements Alone
You can't subsist solely on supplements. They provide you with vitamins, but they don't provide you with calories. You probably won't have enough energy to get through the day if you only eat supplements.
It's best to eat supplements on top of healthy daily meals. This way, you'll get both the nutrients and calories that you need for healthy functioning.
Buy Fresh Supplements
Before you buy any supplements, check the expiration date. Do not buy supplements that have expired or will expire soon. These won't work as well and can even make you sick.
Consider Stomach Upsets
Do you often experience stomach upsets? If so, you may want to choose capsule supplements rather than tablet supplements. Capsules are easier for your stomach to absorb.
You may also want to eat your supplements with food. This can reduce the possibility of stomach upset.
Use a Good Manufacturer
Check online before you go to the store. Learn about the different supplement manufacturers. Check the reviews and see which manufacturers have the best ratings.
You can then buy your supplements from the highest-rated manufacturer. Check to see if the store you're going to has supplements from this manufacturer in stock.
Get High-Quality Supplements
Some supplements are not fully organic. Others use filler ingredients to make their products look like more. You should not choose supplements that have these qualities.
Another thing to look out for is mercury. Omega-3 supplements often contain fish oil. Make sure that the manufacturer has filtered the fish oil so there's little to no mercury in it.
Choose organic, filtered, and filler-less supplements. You may end up paying more for these supplements. But the quality that you'll get from them is worth it.
Check the Seal
Most brand-new health supplements should have a seal on them. The job of this seal is to prevent anyone from tampering with the supplements.
Before you buy a health supplement, check the seal. You should find it under the lid. If the seal is intact, it's safe to buy the health supplement.
If you find a broken seal, don't buy the health supplement. You should also tell a staff member at the store about the missing seal. Someone may have tampered with the supplements.
The Best Supplements for Vision Health
Beyond getting high-quality supplements, you're also going to want certain types. Certain vitamins and minerals help improve people's vision better than others. You can learn a bit about some of these different vitamins and minerals below.
Thiamine is also known as vitamin B1. It plays a role in converting food into energy. It also helps the body's cells function.
Researchers believe that it can reduce your risk of both cataracts and diabetes-related eye issues. Some have even proposed that health experts should use thiamine to treat diabetic retinopathy.
Riboflavin is another B vitamin (vitamin B2). Experts have found that people who are deficient in this vitamin are prone to cataracts. So it goes without saying that people who take a lot of this vitamin may reduce their cataract risk.
You don't even need to take that much riboflavin every day. Experts only recommend that you take just over 1 mg of the vitamin in your daily diet.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
The cell membranes of human eyes contain a certain type of omega-3. This is called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). So taking a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids can help repair your eyes.
They may also protect against the development of diabetic retinopathy or diabetes-related eye problems. Several studies found that diets high in oily fish (this food has high omega-3) can protect against diabetic retinopathy.
Omega-3 fatty acids can also help individuals with dry eye disease produce tears. Without tears, individuals can experience dryness, discomfort, and blurry vision.
Lutein and Zeaxanthin
Both of these compounds are part of the carotenoid family. You can find them in the macula and retina of your eyes. When they're there, they can filter out potentially harmful light.
Studies have shown that these carotenoids can help prevent cataracts. They can also help slow or prevent the worsening of AMD.
Experts don't know the amounts of these compounds that are safe for people to take. Staying under 10 mg or so may be the safest bet. Even a small amount can help you improve your vision.
Vitamin C
The human body uses vitamin C to create the protein collagen. This is a protein that provides structure to your eye. It especially helps the sclera and cornea.
Several studies have also shown that taking vitamin C can reduce a person's risk of developing cataracts. This is a condition that causes a person's eye to become cloudy. When this happens, a person can have difficulties with their vision.
In addition, vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant. It may protect your eyes against the dangerous free radicals that can harm them.
What if you don't want to get vitamin C from supplements? If so, try eating some different healthy foods. Kale, bell peppers, broccoli, and more are all excellent sources of vitamin C.
Vitamin E
Some studies have shown that vitamin E can help prevent age-related cataracts. Other studies show differently. It may be best to take vitamin E just in case it's effective against this condition.
One study on people with AMD proved that taking vitamin E can help stabilize AMD. Thousands of test subjects took vitamin E supplements. Doing so reduced the risk of AMD progressing to advanced stages.
Plus, vitamin E can also help with other issues. Experts believe that many eye conditions are related to oxidative stress. This happens when your body has an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants.
Like vitamin C, vitamin E is also an antioxidant. So taking it can help protect your body against free radicals that can harm your eyes.
Vitamin A
You can find vitamin A in foods such as pumpkins, bell peppers, and leafy green vegetables as well as supplements. This vitamin can help your vision in several ways. It can reduce your risk of AMD and cataracts.
Plus, keeping clear of a vitamin A deficiency can prevent a condition called xerophthalmia. This serious condition starts with night blindness before drying your tear ducts out. Your cornea can then soften and cause irreversible blindness.
As a bonus, vitamin A can also help your eyes see in low-light conditions. This is because the vitamin is a major part of rhodopsin. This protein helps your eyes have this ability.
Vitamins B6, B9, and B12
Three of the B vitamins, specifically vitamins B6, B9, and B12, have an impact on eye health. Together, these vitamins can lower the body's levels of homocysteine. This protein may cause inflammation and increase the risk of AMD.
The research isn't completely clear. Researchers will be more certain once they do more studies.
You may not have to get individual supplements for each of these vitamins. A good multivitamin may have all the vitamins you need for good vision. Consider checking out some possibilities the next time you go to a store.
Try Our Health Supplement Products
If you want great eyesight for the rest of your life, you're going to have to work for it. Luckily you won't have to work too hard. All you need to do is take the right health supplement types.
If you need to find the right supplement, visit our online shop. We provide consumers with the safest, purest, and most effective healthcare solution available. Shop all our healthcare supplement products on this page.